Bought a Nintendo Switch

Tried it, but the controls were making me Nuts. Firewatch still on the list.

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Oh, didn’t have any trouble with that. But I did notice that the controls weren’t very precise, maybe that is also a bit the case with Firewatch. For example pointing to pick an object up or to interact with it.

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Thank the good gaming gods

I’ve never been burnt by a game in long development disappearing, so I’m still hyped.


Oh wow! STILL Developing.

Their journey began with “i think it’ll be cool to have Hornet DLC” it progressed by a sharp left turn when playing around with her sprite in the environment at the corner of “oh crap” & “I didn’t think of that.”

It appears, from there, they did a b line straight into the heart of panora’s box

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Seems DLC to full on sequel is the thing these days.

ER2 confirmed.


Lol touché

Ring of the TearSong

I just hope that it remains a focused game with strong mechanics it doesn’t become bloated with too many ideas.

“Why did we spend a YEAR working on time travel mechanics?!”

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“did we take the (silk)song of time idea too far?”

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Stay off of YouTube. Do not look at the sun. It’s almost time.

(I listened to one non-spoiler review, not going to lie. After it I am even more pumped than previously).

Do not look at the sun!


I wish you had said this earlier. My eyes hurt. :disappointed_relieved:


Why do I keep wanting to grab my Switch and just seeing if maybe TOTK is playable? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



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Wow, I didn’t even know these existed. For that cheap I’m worth giving it a go.

Should be playable now



Isn’t it already Mother’s Day in Australia? Timezones lol :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I can’t even make it to midnight tonight because I know my 7 yo will be up at 5:00 am, breathing in my face and “whispering”: IS IT TIME YET!?

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It is playable now in the US. There was no delay for a patch, so the day 1 was either already applied or hasn’t landed yet.

I can’t think of a good enough fake spoiler, so I’ll stop here.

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Right?! Its kinda hard!

…sure is quiet in here… 🫣