Cheap knob per function synths

so i have a couple of desktop synths with matrix interfaces (evolver and blofeld), and i love them both, but it often feels like too much of a chore to start a new patch from scratch. i want to try something simpler and more immediate.

what are your favorite knob per function (or close) synths in the $500 range? obviously have my eye on a minibrute… is there anything else that can compete at this price? keyboard, CCs, and patch memory are a bonus but not required.

nord leads are basically one function per knob (or use switches to select waveforms, etc.).

racks can be had for about $500.

i’ve got a nord lead 2x keyboard i’ll sell you if you’re interested. :slight_smile: it’s smaller and lighter than you’d think!

I think the new Basstation 2 is a obvious candidate. Same for the MS-20 mini.
If you aren’t concerned about VA vs. Analog, then maybe something like a Novation Nova, Virus, or (as papertiger mentioned) a nord.

novation ks4 or k station go for very cheap!!! want myself a ks4!! multitimbral preset, effects…

I had a KS rack when they came out. That was a nice synth although it was so long ago my ears may disagree with me now.

Loved the MeeBlip for the price. Dirty little bitch. I liked the original knob layout and OS. I didn’t like it as much once they smoothed the oscillators out and changed some of the features (ENVs and PWM implementation) and controls. Luckily you can try it either way a decide for yourself.

Alesis Ion (actually a very deep digital)

Novation Supernova

Vermona Mono Lancet (I’d get one over a Minibrute any day)

Little above your pricerage but I’d look at:

MFB Dominion X (3 oscillator mono, ultra-deep, knob per function)

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Under 250 EUR it could be:
Novation A-Station (rackmount VA, same engine as K-Station),
Novation Bass Station (analog),
Syntecno TeeBee (analog)…

Under 500:
Alesis Ion (AWESOME VA synth),
Older Viruses,
Novation K-Station / KS rack,
Novation Nova/Supernova desktop,
Dopefer Dark Energy,
Arturia Minibrute,
Vermona MonoLancet,
Roland JP-8080,
Korg Radias (if you’re lucky),
some vintage analogs…

there seem to be loads of ‘one knob per function’ mono synths, but not many poly synths that arent absolutely huge!

how come?
thanks for all of the recommendations. I’d already managed to forget about the new ms20, among other things…

how come?
thanks for all of the recommendations. I’d already managed to forget about the new ms20, among other things…[/quote]
I’ll answer him: MUCH tighter, cleaner sound due to far superior analog filters+circuitry. Plus, 1 oscillator just doesn’t produce enough variation and even if the sub osc. is just as powerful, you still can never get the “detuned unison note” effect with one oscillator!

BTW: check out my thread where I list every analog synth that’s currently in production. Could give you a long list of YouTube searches =)

From all the analog synth I own, I love the MFB Microzwerg most.
To me it has the best excitment per knob-turn factor.
It has 2 multimode filters and each can process an audio-signal.
Had lots of fun tweaking around and sampling it =)

my analog synth: A4, Tetr4, Doepfer DE II, MFB MZ

What going on in here?

Anyone have any recs along these lines but specifically with polyphony and can save patches?

Roland Boutiques are good and mostly knob per function.

Would the Roland aira S-1 qualify? It has some key combinations and menus, but you can get away with not using too much of them.

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Arturia MiniFreak

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Got a Minifreak a few months ago… Super fun and a joy to play and program. Highly recommended. Not 100% knob per function (too deep a device!) but the interface compromises are well chosen. Mod matrix implementation is great!


Very good choice. Minifreak and Microfreak are powerhouse synths. I regret not picking up one way earlier