Digitakt sequencing issues

Hi all,
When sequencing external gear I cannot hear sound even thou, I can hear sound when play on keyboard. Only recorded sequences don’t work for some reason. It is not muted.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


hey, just to clarify, you step recorded a sequence and you could hear notes as you entered them into the sequencer, but upon playback it does not trigger audio from the sequenced module?

what equipment are you attempting to sequence and just to make sure have you verified your mutes are all green ?

Some more details about routing would help, are you using the DT’s external mixer?

Yes, I could hear notes while live recorded but when playback them, no sound. Used to work without problems but after I reset Digitakt to factory settings this is what is happening now. External gear is Moog Minitaur and DSI Rev 2.
Minitaur has midi indicator light which suppose to blink when receive midi notes but in this case light does not blink at all.

Not sure what you mean by Digitakt ext mixer.
Everything is connected with midi cables and all ext gear outputs go to ext mixer.
This used to work just fine but after factory reset no sound on playback.
Midi channels are not muted and they are all green/purple.

which midi channel is the moog on?

he is asking do you run your audio from the moog audio out to the digitakt audio in - so, are you listening to all sound through DT? or do you send to a mixer board and monitors, or to a computer?

It is on A/9 channel

like, how do you merge together / monitor your sound for playback?

All outs go to zed mixer and from there to bigger board and than amp/ speakers

ok good. Do you also have external midi controller keyboard or is digitakt your midi controller for all other gear?

I use keystep as midi controler

so keystep to digitakt midi in, and dt midi out to the moog, and thats how you play notes on the moog, right?

Yes but there is rev 2 in between…

so rev 2 has midi thru and thats how you’re sending it, and it worked before correct? in your dt menu gear > settings > midi config > sync

which boxes did you put checks in?

Yes that is correct.
I don’t think I checked these boxes at all and cannot check this at the moment

are you using OS version 1.5?


ok and in the project it’s midi channel 9 bank A? that’s what is set for the moog, correct? Let me give you some steps to check when you get back to the digitakt hold on.

Yes it is cannel 9 for moog and channel 10 for rev 2

channel 10 is by default digitakt autochannel.

In the manual, the useful information will be on page 68-69

in the sync menu you will want to verify the checkmark is made for clock send, transport send, and if you use dt to change patches on the other device program change send also.

in the port config menu:

confirm the out port is set to midi (or midi+usb). OUTPUT CH selects whether the knobs will send data on the auto channel or the track channel. If you are using digitakt trigs to control the synth you would set to int/ext but you are using the keystep so just keep it on internal. If you are using dt to mute the midi tracks set mute destination to internal/external. make sure the box for receive notes is checked so that the keystep can send note data to digitakt.

on pg 70 the midi channels menu:
scroll past track channels 1-8 down to Track A channel - if it says off, set it to 9. if you have the REV2 for bank B and that is channel 10, set Track B channel to 10. You can keep scrolling down and verify that the auto channel is set to 10 (it will be) and you can change the channel program change messages are sent on, but if it’s only 1 patch and no program change then don’t worry about it just leave it at auto.

source page parameters are on pg 51

In the project, on midi bank A source page (SRC) , verify chan X is set to 9 by press and hold FUNC and then encoder A press once, then scroll to 9 (for channel 9), then do the same thing to set the bank or sub bank if you need to but should just be enabling the channel (CHAN) to get midi to send your bank A sequence that you programmed to midi channel 9.

So if you’re positive that the moog is on channel 9 then this should be all you have to do, I think only one of these things is off so you may be looking and not see anything wrong at first but just keep checking until you see one that looks wrong and try to update the setting. It’s probably really simple, just one thing off.

I’m going to assume you already have the channel on the keystep configured correctly so we’re not going to get into that unless it is actually an issue.