Not new but IMHO the combo of Voxengo SPAN and Melda MLoudnessAnalyzer works great.
All Tokyo Dawn’s free plugins are very good (I especially like Nova). LoudMax is a great sounding free limiter with true peak detection.
And of course +1 for Valhalla Super Massive.
Valhalla Freq Echo and Super Massive like @LyingDalai said. Especially like the Freq Echo. Simple to the point. Sounds great.
Sound Toys Effects Rack. Use it on every track.
TAL Chorus LX
Unfiltered Audio SpecOps and Byome for the crzy modular stuff.
Here is my up-to-date (june 2023) but ugly PDF with free plugins installed on MacOS(!) but most are also on Windows. Quality varies from good to excellent (which may be subjective nonetheless).Plugin administration.pdf (39.0 KB)
+1. Looks bad. Sounds good. Map to a controller if you can for maximum enjoyment and turn the interface off. The saturator and pitch shifting tools are great little freebies.
If the look is a turnoff, Kilohearts stuff looks very nice with a similar free bundle
+1 for Valhalla
+1 for Labs
Other free stuff worth having:
Baby Audio modules (free components from full plugins)
A nice delay (for me this is really nice, can do reverse modes and stuff. Bit of a sleeper hit)