Korg Wavestate

Please see tall dog Kickstarter for aluminium module case where no sawing is required. Housing for OP6, Wavestate, Modwave.

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Nice project ! Can’t wait to see first unit made !

I sold my hardware Wavestate and went to the native plug-in- I hope they update the plugin as well and make it MPE- If any synth is begging for MPE its this one!


I think this is about what I expected; the MKii of the 37 key was a surprise, but it makes sense given the old innards were getting difficult to source.

A metal-framed 5 octave board with AT is what a lot of people asked for and this is it, and Korg being Korg didn’t change the panel which kept costs low. $2200 for a 4 5 octave board and carry case is a pretty good deal.

Is it a deal I want? Well, I don’t know. Programming this thing from the front panel was… perhaps not my favorite thing. OTOH the platform is pretty neat and the capability for some real poly rhythms and changing timing lane steps in milliseconds is pretty cool. I guess a tablet running windows and the editor placed on the synth could solve some of those problems, which I guess one could do for a couple hundred bucks.

If they released an iOS version of the editor that would be pretty cool and might tip the scales for me.


Keeping my Wavestate mkI. It was around 500€ new and this mkII is like 850€. Not worth the upgrade. If I need more polyphony I just switch to Wavestate Native.


If the big keyboard version would have cv out I´d be interested.
Many of us are dabbling in Eurorack and we don’t have much space for more than 1 keyboard.
So any keyboard should be able to be used as a master keyboard for eurorack.

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A reminder about the existence of MIDI to CV.

OK it is extra cost and external, but there are many options and features available, plus it can work with any MIDI.

Not permission to take thread off-topic.

This is by far my biggest complaint about the WS. I don’t know why the screen size on my A4 seems just fine, but on the WS, it just doesn’t work. Too many options per screen maybe? I love what the WS can do (so I don’t sell it), yet it sits in my closet because it is such a drag to use. Bummer. I’d have paid an extra $300 for a module version with a larger screen. As others have said, using the VST version of WS opens it up to its amazing potential.

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For that there is the Wavestate Editor ( this is different thing from the Wavestate Native VST ), that reflects more complete status of the machine, though apparently according to Loopop, it has a little lag in some circumstances.

Wavestate Native does some control from the hardware, but it is not completely implemented. ( Again according to Loopop. )

Detail :

But agreeing a larger built-in screen would have been good with this, especially at the price.

ADDED : A screen so small that they had to hand design there own fonts for it. According to Dan Phillips, see video i posted.

Coming soon for those seeking inexpensive hardware : Excellent prices on used Wavestate Version Ones. They are not a lot different from the Version Two. We’ll see how low used prices go as people upgrade to the V2 or SE.


I’ve wanted a WS for awhile but this thread makes me think I should just use the plug-in.

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I’m thinking the wasteland on the upper left would be the spot for the dedicated extra screen.

ADDED : I said dedicated, which means a barebones Windows tablet sort of thing, with touch screen would work. Twelve inch diagonal screen should fit. Under $500.

Consider the difference in price between the VST alone, and the cost for the VST if you already own the hardware. Then find a Wavestate Mark One on-sale. That brings the extra cost for the hardware, way down. Of course it you don’t want hardware at all, then that is a different question.

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Tentatively watching prices on the mk1…

You saw this jdaddyaz, but for others, i posted this deal on the HW Deals thread.

You’re right too jdaz, the price new should get below $550 USD shipping free.

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I must say, in HW synths, there is almost nothing like it for this type of synthesis and generative music tools. Even competing with software synths, you’d be challenged to beat it.

Competitors ?

( I thought of the Waldorf Iridium / Quantum, which has more options for synthesis, but no where near the generative capabilities. Perhaps more discussion of this below. )

Now if this sort of sound doesn’t interest you … that’s another deal.

The added storage and voices on the SE is very attractive too. ( If you have the money. ) Doing your own sounds with this and learning all the methods and tricks, is certainly a challenge and would require a significant time commitment before you could use this fully, but that kind of goes with the territory doesn’t it.

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Waiting patiently for prices to drop on mk1… :innocent: Eventually…

You said it. I have the SW and the amount of flexibility takes getting use to. It’s one of those, “do just about anything you can think of”, synths.

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Im surprised they’ve done a mk2 considering the mk1’s we’re discounted so heavily and they released the vst.
Is there actually demand for a mk2 ? Especially as the difference isn’t much

Also confused that there is a mk2 and an SE
I’d have called it mk2 kb or something.