Yip im convinced this is a firmware update for the MC…
So that clean bass and stronger synth tones are coming from the analog synth tracks, and the drums are the digital machines, I wonder if some of the cv ports are ins as well
I think the cycles is my favorite elektron device I have, and my only real qualm with it is the buttons, so I am happy for this, though I might not get it immediately.
finally show it! will they show it to us?
I did not read 1500 posts, but when and where can we expect first product presentation? Can we tune in a live broadcast again, this time?
Nothings confirmed yet
Superbooth is in three weeks
Hopefully Elektron will show it there
Restrictions have ended in Germany as far as I know so should be a full sized Superbooth
I’ll be there myself - am super excite
Unlikely, they’re not listed as being there.
well that’s a shame - they were there in 2019
I don’t think there was a full sized Booth in the two years following
Maybe they haven’t decided yet - we’ll have to wait and see
SB’s smaller scale again this year as a lot of companies don’t feel comfortable attending events just yet
Elektron, please quit these silly games. Just come up with what you’ve invented (which will probably be great).
Take Squarp for example. They present the Hapax, available immediately, customers have the machine 2 days later. Now that’s a surprise!
all this anticipation and waiting faux-diy grassroots PR schticks stylee is getting old. We are already hyped up for anything they release.
Come out with it and rob our money LOL
I see about 190 exhibitors in the list
With about 20 or that are [tba]
One of those could easily be Elektron
It’s not like Gothenberg is a million miles from Berlin
I’m just saying it’s smaller teams, & it’s not going to be as big as previous years as the pandemics (unfortunately) still ongoing
New Place = the Metaverse!
Announcing the new ground breaking collaboration between Facebook and Electron - Elektraverse NFT’s which enable buyers to purchase ‘unique’ time delimited non fungible tokens which permit operation of your Elektron device.
I think it’s much less than a 10 hour drive including a ferry actually.
Syntakt sound unlikely. And too bad of a name tbh😅
If you want my guesses, and I bet you do, my initial thoughts judging by the music are:
-It sounds analog
-Alot of drums
-Does not sound like too many tracks
-Nothing sounds to advanced
-Distortion sound f*ing wicked, and analog!
-Kicks, snares, hihats too
Therefore my qualified amateur guess is:
Model: Analog
But a better name…
‘Ears’ is clearly a reference to a processing box of some sort that takes audio input… that elektron lent to the dublab artists.
Perhaps a full OT2, perhaps a DT sized effects-mix-slicer …
The problem with this sort of long-winded marketing reveal is that unless it’s an Octatrack / AR / A4 MK3 or something at that level, disappointment will follow.
Hopefully an Analog 4 update, to an Analog 16 with 128 note polyphony and 1024 step sequencer length and a lot of modulation options and engines.
Doesn’t scan, because the majority of the sounds in the example tracks were FM.