Hi all, I have a Digikatt 2 o back order (currently use 1 exclusively with overbridge) Any idea on ETA’s based on Elektrons history in this regard ? thanks
It’s become an integral part of their feature suite, it’s a given that they’re already working on it. If they release an update with too many bugs, then the number of people creating tickets to report the bugs increases the workload and slows the resolution.
I think it won’t be very long since they went ahead and released the device already, but unfortunately nobody has an answer that will be more than a guess unless someone from Elektron checks in and gives an opinion.
I shouldn’t be so snarky to a new member… I’m sorry. welcome @Elle.P! I’m simply making a joke that the initial roll out of OB was… less than smooth. no ill-will or poor intentions meant in your direction, of course.
@shigginpit is correct though, we don’t know. my guess would be now that it’s been around a while and stable, and they know how things went a few years back, they’ll be careful to roll out support when it’s good and ready.
Thanks both. Im new to the Elektron world and have no understanding of their company “culture” re software releases etc. I I have the option to return my mk1 for a full credit towards the mk2 but I need overbridge to use the unit fully in my system (Logic X etc) I suppose I could aggregate the device however…
Lol I was about to say: its either in or about to be in beta stage.
Which is significantly better than the DT1 OB rollout!
I’m nostalgic over the trash fire that was that DT1 OB delay announcement
Received my Mk2 today. Stunning update to an already great device. Well worth upgrading !
Shhhhhh! Some of us are trying to refrain from putting in pre-orders
It will work great as an aggregate device. You wont have the individual tracks, but its still extremely convenient and good experience. I love that it allows me to use all my software FX on a track in my DAW, send it over usb to the device, then send that out the physical Main L/R Outs. Its zen.
100% can confirm
What do you mean by aggregate device? Do you mean using the DTII as an audio interface, or coupled with an audio interface?
Either or both would work. It can be an audio interface and an aggregate audio interface with other audio interfaces. Right now for example my DT2/ST/Push3/Volt476 are all seen and used as one big audio interface, with all of their ins and outs available.
Thanks for replying. On which DAW, and did you have to do anything special to set that up? I only see one system at a time usually.
Poor Elektron team will be busy squishing bugs rather then enjoying Superbooth maybe?
Nope, closest we’ll get is a notice on Elektronauts about a private beta.
Edit: Lol, directly linked by bibenu above.
How closed is this beta anyway, does anybody know? I’ve applied a few weeks ago and didn’t hear back yet.
Same here, I applied immediately after they posted and haven’t heard back…and I’m a heavy OB user with 4 Elektron devices.
Yes - its easy on Mac, but for Windows I think theres a little more involved and requires third party software, which I think is free. On Mac hold alt+spacebar - type “audio midi setup” into the spotlight search. You should see a list of your audio devices. At the bottom left is a “+” sign - press it. Select “Create Aggregate Device” - Choose your main audio interface, then choose whichever other devices you would like to be part of the new aggregate device, choose your sample rate, name it, then go to your DAW of choice and choose the newly created aggregate device as your IN/OUT. You will probably need to “configure” it which basically means enabling or disabling the channels you want. Go into your Elektron Device into system -> usb config and make sure usb audio/midi is on. In settings -> audio routing you may want to turn “Int To Main” off or on depending on your setup. This determines if your physical outs will continue to send audio from the internals. On = yes. Off = no. Set up some audio tracks in your DAW. From there you can choose how you want to route your audio. Using Overbridge you can select that as an “IN” source, but using your device as an interface or in an aggregate interface you will need to choose the channels that pertain to your device which you might need to look up or play some sounds through and test to find but you should be good to go from there once you do. For me 5/6 is my Digitakt 2, 7/8 is my Syntakt. If you want you can route your Syntakt track out to/through your Digitakt to be recorded or sent through it’s main physical outs.
I dont really know of anyone using this method like I do so if you’re interested in some Ableton Live templates I’ve set up using the Syntakt and OG Digitakt where they have individual tracks with Overbridge routed through them with External Instrument devices on them I am happy to share.
i’d appreciate those Ableton live templates if you can share