Overbridge for Digitakt II : ETA?

Tell me about it. I’ve been waiting for ‘Machete Kills in Space’ since it was teased at the end of ‘Machete Kills’.


I waited 42 years for History of the World: Part II

History of the World: Part II

It was disappointing.

I’m going to add to this conversation what I heard from Surco. The OB port for DII is in fact basically a complete re-write. DII is effectively a brand new platform for Elektron. It’s the most powerful by far. I assume it has far more room to grow. AND stereo in OB is a big deal apparently as well. So it’s pretty doubtful delaying the release is a tactic. And my crystal ball says that if an Octatrack III is on the horizon, this is all partially preparation for that. The better DSP platform is very likely essential to design a worthy upgrade to the OT. So the DII just happens to be the first device to get the upgrade. And I think it’s safe to say it’s the best selling device, so it’s a good choice to upgrade first. Obviously this is all second hand information and opinion from a fellow disappointed DII owner waiting for OB.

edit: And I will add that hearing all this from Surco made me feel a lot better about why I must wait for OB to arrive. Although, you could argue they should have had it ready the day DII shipped. I feel like this is one of those developer vs sales & marketing arguments that sales always seems to win. Promise the moon and we will deliver it eventually. After we make you work yourself to death to get it working.


I’ve taken the point of view that if a feature isn’t included on release date then it’s not a feature now, or ever… even if it’s advertised as ‘coming soon.’

I’ve just been burned too many times by devs thinking one thing and the company thinking another, or funds running out, or devs leaving, or whatever.

I could see a situation where the device has outgrown their USB management implementation, or bandwidth, and they’re scrambling to make it just work, much less work well. My old company did satellite communications, and the business was always sticking ‘coming soon’ on things they’d not properly researched or asked us about, and then said ‘build it’ and we couldn’t, and they’d say why, and we’d say ‘physics.’ Laughable looking back but that happens all the time with software as a ‘solution’ to every problem.

Hopefully I’m wrong about that, as I’d really like overbridge (which I’ve heard is awesome to work with from friends who interested me in Elektron in the first place), but I’ll just have it as a secondary device for tracking and mixing purposes in the event I have to use ‘frequency specific’ output to get around how useless mixing a ‘frequency-mixed’ percussion device is for my workflow (I record ‘live’ – overdubs aren’t my thing).

Direct outs any day. Direct outs. SO important on percussion stuff.

I knew all thing going in, though. I do like DT2, and use it everyday.
But for multi-frequency output I reach for my multi-output devices.

Not a huge fan of hardware tied to software anyway. Never works out of the span of greater than a decade.


And Overbridge for Digitakt II is soon done for some multi-streaming audio madness. So, speak soon.


so, uh, soon … sorry to be that guy … can you narrow that down in like maybe months? i’ve seen “soons” that still last and i’m about to retire “soon” …


REALLY! Just give a friggin’ MONTH. Nobody will hold you to a date.


Probably before the Tonverk release :wink:


It’s a pretty much universal dev mantra that you never announce release dates. That never surprises me. It’s a slickery slope on the best of days.

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I have spent the last 2 days trying to get a 4 input and 4 output digital audio codec working. I am using a codec that my friend got working perfectly. I am using the same microcontroller and the same code. Everything should be working perfectly. It will probably take me multiple more days to get this working at even the most basic level. That is one sixth the number of channels as DT2 overbridge and I’m over here pulling my hair out.

Just a little context for the challenge that the Elektron engineers are tackling.



Someone posted a video of Overbridge for DT2 on /r synthesizers.

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Overbridge 2 is out since years …
April 15th 2020 to be precise


Like @Protopia mentioned, Overbridge 2 is available for years already.

The name of the video you are referring to is ‘Overbridge DT2’ and not ‘Overbridge 2’.


Someone’s gonna get in trouble

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I don’t see the problem here honestly, everyone knows beta is out there and Elektron said they working on it, the video has absolutely zero info except that it’s beta version with a mixer view, so where’s the problem? it’s not like they shared a file or gave any additional info….

…im joking

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ah, I suppose this can break NDA terms in a way but honestly I don’t think it’s hurting anything, just barely providing proof that it works on some level…

Haven’t watched the video but if you are participating in the beta program you should not provide any info to the outside.