Overbridge for Digitakt II : ETA?

Just got my DT II a few days ago an d very happy for now, but would love some Overbridge, at some point :slight_smile:

How it is working, the Beta?

I’m sorry, can’t give any information. That’s not allowed.

Ah yeah, I understand :slight_smile:

I will find out eventually, I guess :wink:

It would be super great if Elektron did some accompanying videos to help explain the various possibilities of OB.

Any already on YouTube will be suitable. Digitakt 2 won’t be any different except amount of sample channels.
You could watch rytm, analog 4, digitone, etc etc. in terms of overbridge and how it functions they’re basically all the same. ( separate dry channels , fx etc )

I don’t have any links but YouTube does have a search function for you to find them yourself … it’ll be quicker than asking again / waiting.

Clear walkthroughs of setting them up would help though. It can be complicated

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Today is 100 days since the launch of Digitakt II. We still do not have Overbridge available. If it is taking this long for a feature that should have been available on day one, I am hoping for some massive upgrades. Are the beta testers under an NDA or can they share something here?


Beta testers are under NDA.


Yes, we are under NDA

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Must be some persistent bugs that it’s taking this long. They said it was coming soon at launch if i recall correctly.


It’s mentioned a few posts above that elektron are on holiday till late august.


So, ETA… before Christmas. :japanese_goblin:


I’ve yet to find a really comprehensive video on all of Overbridge functionality. It would be great if Elektron did an in-depth video on it.

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Signed up just to say thank you for this post and wonder if you still have those Live templates? :pray:

Any update on this? I’m waiting since may 🥹

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It may be longer than you think.


How in the world did they release Digitakt II without overbridge already working? seems like a massive oversight…


I know and it must be easy to code.


I presume if there’s an update there will be a big announcement that you can’t miss

Or potentially someone from elektron will post if they have the approval

Otherwise - if you see nothing there is nothing. ( Im not part of beta testing , this is just my opinion )
And anyone who is on the beta won’t / shouldn’t be posting anything either.


The optimistic part of me fantasizes that Elektron is getting ready to drop a Digitone 2 in time for Christmas and so maybe that is why Overbridge is taking longer.

Who knows, with the new architecture it’s possible they had to scrap it and start from square one.

Off topic but maybe they should finally make it with 6 operators and 16 voice polyphonic like the DX7 was in 1983. I know the DN can do much more with sequencing and stuff bit still… I don’t get why it is limited to 8 voices.