Overbridge for Digitakt II : ETA?

Is there any indication when this might be coming out? I’ve got quite a few tracks on the DTII I’d like to export as stems and the idea of going through track by track for upwards of 16 parts isn’t too appealing!


I know nothing except Elektron will be on their ample summer break about now, so I wouldn’t expect any movement here until end of August, early Sept at the earliest.


unbelievable they sell DT without the overbridge… im so happy i sold that machine when i got it, used it two weeks and experienced only bugs and slow loading sample-times. never again


It is a little unfortunate, but I understand the need to get products out the door after a lengthy development period, people got to get paid. I’d obviously prefer if it had OB already, but I’m willing to wait as the DTII is such a substantial upgrade and I’ve found myself writing much more complete tracks with it than I could on the DTI.

Sounds like you might have been unlucky with a faulty unit though, it’s been rock solid here for me since day one. Sorry to hear you had such troubles :frowning:


Mine is also perfect, zero problem so far.

Almost two months ago, it was said on the YT channel that the next Overbridge was in private beta and working, I’m surprised that we haven’t had anything since, the software or any news. It’s getting long.


Hello, please can a mac user explain how to setup USB inputs, so I can record into Ableton Live?

Much appreciated.

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Betas often focus on one component branch versus others, it is likely that there’s other feature branches that need maturity to merge and it turns into a release candidate.

Or one is ready and they’re waiting a time for no further news from the beta squad before they consider it good.

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Should be quite easy.
Set the Digitakt USB to Midi+Audio so that it works as an audio interface.
Connect it to the mac.
In Ableton Live (I’m using that) in the Audio settings you can choose Digitakt as Audio Input Device.

Actually in the Settings of the Mac, Sound section you should see the Digitakt as an option for both input and output.

Let me know if it works.


Thanks for this! It works :slight_smile:.
Much appreciated.

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First post here, love the Digitakt 2. Had an original digitakt too, which i also loved, but sold beacuse this update is great for me, i can make tracks with just the Digitakt, love it.

But to finish the tracks, i am waiting on overbridge, to mix and do finale touches in ableton. Was hoping it would be here by now…

Anyone here know anything about the ETA?


We know nothing, so far…

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Remember the days of bands recording demos and then going into the studio to record the real album? I’m using the lack of Overbridge as an opportunity to bring back the concept of demos to my music.

Basically I’m trying to have a more pacey workflow that gets me from idea to fleshed out track on my Digitakt II. I’ll use the mixer and send fx onboard to perform a demo and record to stereo mix. This can go up on SoundCloud etc.

The plan is that this will help me make more tracks quicker, without getting bogged down in the multitrack process.

Once Overbridge arrives I can review the collection of demos and multitrack those that are worth it I to my DAW for proper arranging, mixing and mastering.

Hopefully this will be a productivity enhancement, because god help me I need it.

Maybe the album will be called “When samplers give you lemons”


Doing exact same process here.

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On my windows laptop, running ableton the Digitakt 2 asio won’t show up but on my Mac the Core audio shows.

Isn’t there asio drivers for windows yet or I am having an issue?


This works, on my Mac, not on my windows laptop. Any ideia why? Thanks

There aren’t class compliant universal ASIO drivers for Windows, have you tried out https://asio4all.org/ ?

That’s a shame but glad that I am not having issues. Because windows itself recognizes the digitakt as an audio interface so I though it would automatically have asio driver for the daw.

I am good, I have an audio interface so don’t need the asio4all is just that would make my life easier syncing loopcloud and sample straight into the digitakt while it’s in sync, but I can still do it not synced, it just another step. The only reason I got the OG was because of the loopcloud drag and drop feature, I hate to have to choose first hand what samples “I think” I am going to use and then transfer and load them, such a pain!

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Hello everyone, can you tell me or send me the beta version of Oberbridge for Digikt? I don’t see any download link or any registration anywhere, please help me because I have had the machine since yesterday and I can’t use the software, thank you

You can’t have what doesn’t exist, not would it be appropriate for anyone invited to a closed beta to share. Whenever there is a Beta opportunity (possibly selective) you will possibly get an open invitation to participate or you will know for sure there is a closed Beta. But for now, it’s a chance to get to know the device without Overbridge. Elektron are on holidays until later in August, so I don’t expect any change in the outlook any time soon.

When a Beta is running there will surely be some news to that effect, I think it’s to be an invitation afaicr fwiw


Correct, the beta drivers are provided on invitation. I received a invitation 2 months ago, and got a link to the beta drivers.