Push 3 Users Thread

Nothing finished worth releasing or putting out there, but I’ve been in “experiment mode” more than “actually write music” mode. I’ve got probably 5 songs out of 30-ish started projects that I could reasonably finish and show people and be proud of, which is a fairly typical ratio for me.

It certainly hasn’t revolutionized my music-making process like I was hoping it would, but this is largely because I really don’t want to transfer things to the computer, or set up my projects on the computer and then actually make the music with the push on its own. Although now that I’m looking at playing a live show I’m going to need to set up a bunch of performance controls on the computer and transfer it over.

On that note if anyone has good tutorials for setting up performance controls in Ableton, and for the push standalone, I would be grateful!


done in standalone, it’s a recorded performance with push, a A H xone 4d , and an octatrack that I forgot to use :joy:


It’s a bit of a manual process once you watch the videos here:

Set Up in Sampler:


awesome <3

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It’s obvious you are not feeling well, get well soon

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Yes, I’m very sorry. Completely unnecessary. Had to rush my g/f out of the front door of the club tonight to an awaiting Uber SUV while I came out the back where she had them pick me up as they only wanted to rob me. They didn’t even know who I was, just saw gold/diamonds. She was scared, I was pissed off, and Uber Black SUV’s are expensive. It was annoying.

This was also the one night off I had taken to get a break from helping my family take care of my Mom’s cancer and or work. I also didn’t have my own gun that night for some stupid decision making. So forgive me. I really am apologetic, I’m just a bit off my game this morning…


I have a question, is it possible to manually set the tempo of an audio file in a clip in an audio track? Sample libraries largely use excessive tails, but if I know the actual tempo I can manually set it in Ableton software. Hadn’t been previously able to do this on Push, but I’ve bought a new one and hope they already had that, and I missed, or they figured that out.

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Hey there, I am on a tripp having my push 3 sa with me. Hiking and jamming is a really nice combo. I have one Question about the pushs focusing behavior. I want to tweak device controls while i am starting and stopping clips in different channels. The focus always jumps to the clips launched channels. That sucks really. I untiked the automatic focusing tap in the ableton preferences, but it is still there.

I wish there would be a device lock function on the push 3 sa, to stay focused when jamming and recording a set, or isn’t it?

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:astonished: Wait…are you really going on hikes with your Push 3 standalone?! :exploding_head:

I like the convenience of moving my SA around my studio, but the idea of lugging this relatively heavy piece of gear on my back along a hiking trail is astonishing. Wow! :muscle:t5:


yes why not. It fits perfect in a backpack

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Not criticizing, just impressed!

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Try this:
Little tutorial on how I handle live gigs preparation with P3S

Ableton Push 3 Standalone Live Gig Preparation Tutorial


Is anyone here using the Push 3 SA together with a Squarp Hapax?

Aside from the obvious redundancy and the similar yet different approaches to sequencing and launching clips, I’m curious about the synergies.

Got a Hapax and just ordered a SA. Not sure if/how I will combine them though, so interested in this as well…

The big advantage of Hapax is that it can load a new project while running the current project and then combine them to create smooth transitions (kind of dj style - as you can decide which track you will play next depending on how the crowd reacts). Not sure yet how to do that on Push 3, besides prebuilding one big project with all tracks of your set… (which sounds messy and convoluted - also less fun).


Thanks for the vid! Gonna give this a watch tomorrow.

I follow the philosophy that you don’t have to use all the features of a device to get good musical results. On the contrary, trying hard to get as much as possible out of the paper potential of a device is often the death of any musical inspiration. At least in my convoluted mind :dash: :brain: :cloud:

So I’m perfectly fine with leaving big chunks of functionality fallow on both devices if there is an interesting workflow or synergy that sparks creativity and/or inspiration.

I know this sounds decadent but I hate all this optimization frenzy about what a device should and shouldn’t be able to do - I’d rather experiment Tetris style to see what my expensive toys can teach each other.

Exactly this A/B project functionality and the possibility to create a “giant project” like in @Pete’s video seems interesting to me.

But I am just spitballing at the moment. Keep us posted how your experience will be.


The “problem” I see here is a lot of people just use the arrangement view and not the session. Then you need to make all this work and waste your time, and a lot of them.

The push and even ableton mojo is the fast you can work on session view and make sketch or very advanced tracks.

And other thing is the hate for so many years of ableton stock plugins and know you have to freeze your work and loose the fun manipulating the synths live.

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I take mine in the campervan, it’s perfect mobile studio for that

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For anyone who is looking to buy a Push 3 decksaver, I took some pictures of mine.
It arrived yesterday. I like that the power button is protected for transport.