It’s a messed-up time in the world right now, I can only hope it gets better but I’ve noticed some people I talk to from time to time are really in the thick of it geographically, maybe some people have been under stress psychologically, other people have mentioned physical ailments and it’s a little difficult to bring up these kind of topics without one or both people feeling uncomfortable.
Because threads about specific problems in the world quickly go off the rails and turn into really heated and soon to be locked discussions, I thought this was a little more accessible as a topic. If anyone, at any time recently, has been going through something personally, or might be caught in the middle of something that’s out of your control, if you want to drop in and say a word about it or even just say “I’m here and I’m ok”, I guarantee there are more people here who care than you probably think.
But isnt that the thing that kills democracy overall if you cant talk about problems anymore? If you make one side evil because they dont agree on your point of rhethoric? There is a book written how to negotiate in a business enviroment, insulting on a personal level just is usable for a short term win, and not for long term relations.
I agree that many subjects have to be avoided, if you dont want a bad time - overall i still think its better to have freedom of speech, and maybe take things a bit less serious overall… i.e. deescaltion helps.
This year has been a roller coaster in my personal life, I think I’ve released the best music of my life this year and made a bunch of visual art I’m super proud of. I’ve also had life throw me a bunch of curveballs that have depleted my savings twice over this year. Watching the world at large and political stuff in the country I live in has definitely added stress to my headspace. I’m also bipolar which can mean that I don’t handle the stress well, and I don’t regulate my emotions as well as I’d like to. I often do not feel ok, even though really at the end of the day I am here and I am ok, I’m trying to learn how to remember that a little better and be a little less bitter on the bad days.
Thanks for starting this thread, it can be really scary to say these kinds of things out loud and having a place where you’re semi-anonymous can be helpful to a lot of people. I hope that all of you are ok.
I’ll spare everyone the details, but work has been stressful enough that I’ve been close to a breakdown more than once. I’ve never quit a job except to leave for another one, but have talked to my wife about quitting. My client is a nightmare, to put it kindly, and US politics directly affect my work, which makes things especially stressful when domestic or global tensions rise.
The last few weeks were exceptionally bad, but I’ve made it through what is, for now, the worst part and there might be light at the end of the tunnel for now. Just hoping it’s not a train.
So I’m here and, for now, I’m ok. Thanks for this thread.
These have been trying times…I was hospitalized in August and have been recovering since. Yesterday my wife lost her job, and with it, our family’s health insurance.
And yet…my son is gorgeous and healthy. He loves to sing and dance. There is hope and beauty to be found even in the darkness.
Not doing super great. I have zero time for myself, and can only work on music if I steal time from work or the family. That hasn’t helped the creative rut I’ve been in where I’m not even enjoying the process, never mind the output, and my plan on releasing something this year is out of the question after a ton of health issues all year.
On top of that, I’m in the best paying but by far most stressful job I’ve ever had, and it’s taking a toll.
I’m not doing great and I don’t see how I can do the kinds of things that would help. It’s not a good situation, but I’ve been in worse.
I got fired from my job today- which sucks
But I hated the job- which works
But I really tried to excel at the job- which sucks
But the manager was an absolute buffoon- which works
I’m in that confusion between okay and not okay.
Life is temporary and im drinking
Better luck tomorrow
Helping my S. O. Taper off benzodiazepines since January has made this a Rollercoaster of a year but seeing her find herself again In between all the chaos has been beautiful, also the hardest thing ive ever done and im not even the one thats going through it! I cant even imagine how it feels for her. We’re good tho.
I used to be one of those people that believed in nothing, but after the things life has thrown at us… If i believe anything now it is in how resilient humans are, i think i believe in hope now. We can always be better To each other and ourselves.
It sounds like at least you can try to find something that’s a better fit. I hope that doesn’t come across as minimizing the suckage of the situation. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, it’s never fun even if you hated the job. If you need to vent, feel free to DM (or not, I’m just a dude on a forum)
No need to apologize! I remember watching friends go through this. It can be hard. You’re incredible for sticking with her while she goes through this and she’s incredible for tapering off. Sincerely, best of luck to you both, and I mean that in the least trite way possible.
I know it’s just a small corner of a small place in a back alley of the internet, but I appreciate the people and the place we have here. I hope everyone has the strength and intent to get through what they’re going through and thanks to you all for sharing or even just being supportive of others. Honestly I believe it means a lot to people even if they don’t say anything so thank you.