Thanks, shes gone from 60mg of valium to now taking less than 5 and Still Lowering! There’s a lot of ups and downs and she knows there might be lingering effects for a while even after shes completely off of them but im here for her as best i can. And luckily she has the support of her parents as well. Shes playing the cello again and being creative a Lot In the past month or so which is a great sign, i cant wait til she feels like writing songs again
This is very important and a very good sign. I wish you both the best, you’re both strong people.
Thanks, ive never actually spoken about this with anyone yet, feels a bit weird tbh lol but whatever, i feel safe in between weirdos
2023 has been a challenging year for sure. In May, my fairly fit and healthy 65 year old Mum was given a terminal cancer diagnosis and 4 weeks to live. She only managed 3.
How ahe was through it all was such an incredible example of British stiff upper lip that I’ll forever find it inspiring but you often don’t realise what you had until it’s gone. Christmas is going to be a tough one. But got to be strong for my Dad who’s doing ok.
Two things really helped during the worst of it though:
- this forum, and just chatting nonsense with people
- Zelda Tears of the Kingdom! It was a great escape from reality for an hour or two at a time and quite the soothing game
So anyway, absolutely don’t be shy in chatting about problems or asking for help. An awful lot of good people frequent this place and as much as the real world geo politics and wars drive me up the wall, at least I know of this little Internet safe haven I can drop in on to chat shit and forget about it all.
So sorry for such a huge loss. Lost my mom earlier this year. Dad passed a couple years ago. It’s a very unique and strange feeling to lose the people who raised you.
Some of you know me here and most probably don’t but I’m a good listener if you’re uncomfortable talking out in the open. Luckily I’ve found this to be an extremely safe space so long as we’re not talking about OT sound quality
It’s probably worth mentioning here that this thread is visible on the open internet in case anyone is uncomfortable with that visibility (I know I would be) or might have safety issues as a result.
Really appreciate this thread @shigginpit, thank you for thinking of everyone. This little corner of the internet is a caring and inclusive space, all the moreso with your contributions.
I’m okay, thank you. Working hard, continuing to be confident about my career and obsessing over music technology. Really, if it wasn’t for this music stuff, all I’d do is play videogames, which as great as they are, can leave one feeling unfulfilled.
So I’ll continue to geek out over music stuff and get platinum trophies for the FromSoftware games and work hard on being a role model for my colleagues and be a reliable, caring partner. I can’t really ask for more at the moment, I’m very lucky to be living in the way I do.
sorry for your losses guys. lost my dad last year so I can relate.
jeez Snipe, losing both parents in such a short space of time. that’s crazy. completely life changing. my heart goes out to you dude.
the last 4 years have been rough here since my da got really sick. I had some financial issues hit during that time too which didn’t help. total shitshow.
think I’ve developed proper ptsd from the experience. doing good tho, even tho I probably need therapy, lol.
getting stuck back into me elektrons recently has been such a joy. it’s the 1 thing that calms my mind. that and hanging out with my li’l dog .
love this place. you’re all sound as a pound.
I’m doing ok, but i can relate to anyone out there who notice that there’s are some global collective opposite forces at work fighting hard to keep the balance, and where all seem thrown in that arena. A big shout out and virtual hug for anyone who is suffering in ways I can’t even imagine…There’s still much beauty and love around, but it takes harder work each day to grasp those glimps thru nowadays fog. Growth comes with pain unfortunately, so let’s hope we end up in a giant beautiful environment once this shift is over.
Was at rock bottom 18 months ago. Long-term relation (11 years) broke up and at the same time lost my job due to mental health issues. (In no small part caused by the job and that unhealthy relation.)
Felt dead inside, didn’t feel anything at all.
The turnaround only came because I (luckily) had people to talk to who cared about me. Then had to admit to myself that I won’t be able to get out and moving again without accepting (professional) help.
Went through rehab and therapy, learned a lot about myself and how I got so deep down. Then had to practice applying that knowledge to everyday (you could say “small stuff”) challenges. Still do.
Feeling a lot better now, though still struggling from time to time. Found new love and a personal perspective/goal again. Which helped tremdously in finding some joy to live back.
Writing all this for anybody who can relate. If you are stuck, try to accept help. The insight and true feeling that we do not have to deal with and solve every shit on our own/alone can be pretty liberating on its own. Also not everything we have to endure is completely and solely our own fault.
I am here and I am ok. Moving on.
Remember it’s probably zero to do with your efforts.
There are so many ways to rig the game in a workplace. Or it might be down to just oversight, people get shafted in so many ways. Besides, if someone is giving a job genuine effort and still get laid off, it’s a matter of not enough support, nothing else.
I work at a place which is managed by a covert-aggressor and deluded egomaniac who manipulates co-workers … and she takes me for an idiot who doesn’t know what’s going on around…very toxic environment…But I am Ok.
We are in the exact same boat…!
I have been given 2 weeks notice
I tried hard to make it work.
I got blamed for all things i did and didn’t do.
I need money and need a job so i backed away from most of the megalomania.
But I’m glad to be rid of that toxic place.
I’m actually angry for pouring my life and time into such a no win situation…
It wasn’t great for my self esteem
But…i am definitely OK…
I’m here and I’m doing better by the minute.
Not here to flaunt, but to say that it gets better, for anyone.
- Therapy rocks
- It’s okay to let time solve your problems sometimes
- If you are trying to be your own best friend, copy your real best friend instead of making your own stuff up
- You are worth loving even when you are not doing anything cool
- Not everyone who loves you will find the words to ease your pain. Talk to many.
- And more tidbits who may or may not be useful/relatable!
You are not alone! Forgive yourself for not feeling great. Reach out to people when you feel down! Even complete strangers may want to help. Take care of yourself!
I’m all good. I’m always all good, even if I’m sometimes not.
Work is the toughest it’s ever been, 3 of my colleagues in my department out on long term sick with stress and having to cope with increasing workload, an inactive government meaning no budgets and ongoing strikes. It’s overwhelming and feels like I have no room to breath but I’m good. I guess I have to be or it will just break you. Though I’m good I’m also angry and pissed off at others being incompetent or lazy, surrounded by people who can’t do their job in the current environment makes it worse. But I’m still good. I’d like to be better though.
Cost of living is also a bit crippling. Constantly in overdraft and not being able to afford to visit family is tough. But again I’m good. Will work it out and get time together in the summer. Again though good it could be a lot better.
Bottom line is though there are many issues I’m lucky to have an income as fragile as it is and I’ve a home and people around me who love me. So yeah I’m good
For now
I was planning to move into my partner‘s apartment soon. Now it turns out aside from depression she’s knee deep in debt and firmly believes she incarnated from another planet. (No joke!)
To me it’s never easy to say no, but this was definitely too much to cope with.
I’m still doing ok, though. Not really relieved but it’s just been a few days since I made that decision.
Building beats. Running. Reading. Good food and staying away from daily news and alcohol surely helps.
Doing things, getting out and about on foot / bike / etc. and avoiding twisted entertainment that masquerades as “news” have all been beneficial to me.
I started avoiding “news” in the late ‘90s, but it is a constant battle to keep it from creeping in. Finding real information about the state of the world or even my local environment can be a challenge.
Don’t underestimate the value of good friends.
These are very important words that took me a (way too) long time to learn.
It really, really does. I’m having therapy right now through my work and the lady who helps me is absolutely lovely. I look forward to her calls and she really cares about me.
i’m sad and disappointed, but i’m ok