Will new tariffs raise synthesizer/gear prices?

So I read how trumps planned tariffs will affect video game console prices, because electronic imports from China will get 20% tariffs slapped on them no matter what, and companies already said they will have to offload those raised costs onto the consumers.

So if this counts for video games, it surely also will affect synths&gear?

So is now the time to buy stuff before it gets too expensive?

And will this affect prices in Europe too?

Lets stay on the topic please without talking about the politician/party/politics behind it.


I don’t see how they wouldn’t.


It won’t stay non political. How could this?


I suppose it depends on how far ‘down’ the tariffs apply… they will prob be on complete units such as the Hydrasynth but what about sub assemblies such as PCB or even components?

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The previous tariffs included 25% to aluminum, if that or something like it happened again even US-based modular manufacturers would probably get hit.


If you live in America.
He’s talked about %60 on Chinese ,20% on everything else … but I think it’s unlikely to be this harsh, it’s likely a negotiating tactic.

But if he wasn’t ’making things up’ … I’d buy things in the short term … though I’d also buy 2nd hand

I’d expect it to impact both product and parts/ supplies … even if it’s made in USA the parts could be sourced elsewhere that could have tariffs

  • company pays more for import and wants to stay with the same profit margins = price raise
  • company wants to create domestic = price raise

unless somehow domestic manufacturing will emerge and really be able to compete both with price and availability of manufacturing in china/wherever’s cheaper there’s no escaping price raise


This is about as neutral a take (while also being critical of tariffs) as I can find right now:

The short version is of course prices will go up, they already have and have remained high in part because of the earlier tariffs (stacked on top of inflation).

Which probably means that every small company that just moved production to Taiwan may or may not get fucked. Will Taiwan be tariffed at the same rates? If not that seems like a pretty ballsy move but then again the whole trade war is a ballsy move that can only increase prices short term.


No matter who’s in charge of (insert country name here) prices will continue to rise long after all of us are gone! Don’t sweat the inevitable!


…no idea…but comin’ to a fear driven conclusion to purchase anything now, because it might be more expensive tomorrow, that much i know, is pretty much bs…

angst is never a good advisor…

in the meantime, let’s move our priveledged souls to some fresh made music, we better create with the stuff we got right in front of us, now, today, not tomorrow…


Considering a lot of the tariffs from his first term are still in place, I wouldn’t necessarily panic.

What you will get is a stream of businesses/importers loudly crying about price inflation and such, because they obviously don’t want any more tariffs and will happily get everyone panicking if they think it will give them leverage.

Inflation is a complex little bastard and is affected in all sorts of mad ways by all sorts of things. The sorts of tariffs being threatened will obviously have at least some upwards influence on inflation, but I don’t see the tariffs being threatened ending up coming to fruition. As has been said, it’s his current negotiating position.

I definitely wouldn’t be worrying about the effect on synth prices for at least a year or two, as these things take time to have an effect. Anyone putting their prices up in the short term is taking the piss or using the tariffs as a smokescreen for other issues.


the optimistic git we needed



(That’s this topic, highly political and ending with font make it political)

(Side note, there will be globally more pressing problems then higher consumer goods prices)

Yeah they will increase in price. The question is when this actually starts to take action. Moog will probably have a slight better position, especially since Japanese imports are currently really cheap cause of the weaker yen.

But since the whole field is not to price sensitive (and more appearance and comparison sensitive, which gear is by which brand, which influencer uses it, how’s it comparing to other gear) i don’t think it will have a huge impact. If somebody buys a 800$ glovebox, will he really be kept from it if it’s 999$?


That’s gonna go down as my favourite quote from you yet :smiley:


…well, it’s not my quote…it’s a classic…


They’ll rise. Not sure by how much. It will be intriguing to economist to see how business deal with it though. Will companies figure out alternative solutions to deal with the increased cost? For me it’ll be interesting to see how NAFTA is affected, as that’s been used to skate around import tariffs for decades now. Maybe businessmen find a loop hole. Or shipping is routed through alternate ports. If I was a studier of Macro Economocs, I’d certainly be watching closely to how business adapt to rising expenses.

This is incorrect. A lot of his tariffs on Chinese products are still in place but a lot of his other tariffs were rescinded.

Expect prices to increase even for American made products. As we saw during the past four years companies and suppliers never waste an opportunity to squeeze out profits. If everyone expect prices to go up they will.


You can try to ignore politics, but politics won’t ignore you.


No it’s not.

I never said they were all still in place, I said a lot of them were. And a lot of them are.


I’ve got a friend who works at a… I don’t know what to call it. Welding plant? The original round of tariffs caused his workplace to shut down for a bit because they had to figure out a new supply chain - their primary supplier stopped sending them materials. When they were able to work again, there had been a massive reduction in work volume, which meant that even though the plant had to charge substantially more for its output, there were layoffs and no raises. Apparently the place already runs on surprisingly thin margins, and he thinks a new round of tariffs are likely to kill the entire plant.